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Data points in the graph labeled "Stratospheric Radiation" correspond to the peak of the Regener-Pfotzer maximum, which lies about 67,000 feet above central California. When cosmic rays crash into Earth's atmosphere, they produce a spray of secondary particles that is most intense at the entrance to the stratosphere. Physicists Eric Regener and Georg Pfotzer discovered the maximum using balloons in the 1930s and it is what we are measuring today. Essential web links NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center The official US. government space weather bureau Atmospheric Optics The first place to look for information about sundogs, pillars, rainbows and related phenomena. Solar Dynamics Observatory Researchers call it a "Hubble for the sun." SDO is the most advanced solar observatory ever. STEREO 3D views of the sun from NASA's Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Realtime and archival images of the Sun from SOHO. 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We’ve already gone over how a cup should fit, how a band should fit and the purpose of your strap But what we haven’t gone over is that every company makes their bras differently. For example, this company is called Natori, and they make a bra that is wider in the wire and shallow in the cup. So while this bra is a 32 D, it’s not for a D cup who is fuller this way; it’s for somebody who’s more spread out this way. And also, this company makes a very stretchy band, so if you find out that well you’ve been wearing a 34 inch band for years and years and years then you should be wearing a 32. This is a great bra to start transitioning with because it stretches out a little bit quicker than others do. Another example is this company called Freya. Freya is a UK company, and they specialize in bras for women with bigger cup sizes, and smaller band sizes. So, for example, if you know somebody who measures 26 inches around and is really busty on top, they might wear a 28 G. And they could get that from Freya. UK sizing is a little different, so when you’re in the store and you see numbers, ask for help. A 28 E is an American DD. So in America an E is the same as a UK F. And it just keeps going that way, so it’s always good to ask for help because otherwise you’ll just make yourself crazy.锘緽ra Strap Solution Nandita Mahtani started the show on day one with her collection of dresses and gowns, and Bipasha Basu walked for her in a neon green gown. Wendell Rodricks’ Fash Splash featured a mix of beach and red carpet dresses. Mandira Wirk experimented with the concept of veils in her collection Veils Unveiled and Sushmita Sen was her showstopper. Vikram Phadnis wrapped up day one with his Indian wear collection titled Nazakat and Malaika Arora Khan was his showstopper. 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Second, don’t acquire too much. I know it’s a wonderful position to be in, but I know I have too many shoes. Even with a rigorous policy of giving away or selling old pairs, I have too many shoes. It is noticeable that the newer pairs take a lot longer to acquire character, because they are not worn as much or polished as often. They will probably never catch up. When you get more money, buy better shoes, not more shoes. Clubs in Kolkata go all out to make the most of this season. Tollygunge Club recently got high on style with a fashion event titled Fashion Forever. The event showcased some beautiful collections of renowned Indian designers. Rohit Bal, JJ Valaya, Amit Arora, Nida Mahmood, Kavita Bhartia, Hemant and Nandita Lalwani, Harpreet and Rimple Narula were some of the designers whose collections were featured in the show. 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