Creating alternative education
Our Goal and Objectives
Home schooling has been thrust on us for the last year or so, and it leaves many parents struggling with just how to help their children with subject matter that, at best is not fresh in their mind, has gone cold or at worst they just plain don't know. Even as schools open again, many are concerned about mandates in which they do not wish to participate. Home schooling is an important option - but the problems don't evaporate.
The purpose of this group is to assist, yes, even enable parents to guide their children in their educational experience. Our goal is to develop small groups to meet in the home under the supervision of one or two parents. These groups would consist of children nearly the same age or grade year.
Work on this has began before the 2022 school year began. It hit a rough spot with illness and other obstacles, but the platform - the hard yards - has been set in place. The goal is to have a means to teach our children, provide social opportunities and provide the necessary support to achieve this.
Our present objective toward this goal is to build on this platform, and work on that has begun. Support groups for years 1-3, 4-6, and 7-12 have already been designed. We have had people interested in teaching or giving instructional support, and much of this structure is still evident. Though we have reached the end of Term One, we hope this objective, and subsequently the beginning of instruction, can begin in Term 2. We only need to verify who is still on board.
This page will then be used for purposes of discussion, assistance with instruction, announcement of events concerning our group and so on. Please be patient and keep an eye on the site. Changes can take place daily.